Care Guides
Care guides can often be a great starting point for learning more about the overview of a particular species one may be interested in, where they come from and are native to, and their different care requirements and parameters. While one should, of course, always take the time to learn further about any animal they are interested in acquiring or caring for, particularly along with other avenues and resources, this section of the website will hopefully provide an excellent starting point and resource for a wide array of the most commonly kept and available reptile and amphibian species one may look into.
Also keep in mind that not all of these animals will always make the best pets for everyone, and some of these may become very large, have difficult or more extensive care requirements, or require much larger enclosures or amounts of space. In most cases, there are also usually many different ways, and opinions for properly caring for these animals, and usually, there is no “only one right way” to keeping most of these animals.
Some species can also come and go in popularity, while others tend to remain long-time pet industry staples. If you know of a reptile or amphibian (or invertebrate) species which should be added here, let us know, and we can see if there is a care guide for them!
Amphibians-Salamanders and Newts
Amphibians-Frogs and Toads
Turtles and Tortoises
Lizards-Agamids and Skinks
Lizards-Monitors and Tegus
Lizards-Chameleons, Iguanas, and Other Lizards
Snakes-Colubrids and Other Snakes
Snakes-Boas and Pythons
Invertebrates-Insects, Arachnids, and Other Invertebrates