Young Explorers Program

The Young Explorer’s Program (Kid’s Herpetological Society) is a great way for kids and families to learn more about reptiles and amphibians, and their care and conservation! The Young Explorer’s program is also a great avenue for kids to be able to come interact with reptiles, even when the parents say no at home. Meetings will be directed at learning, and are normally held for an hour before our regular general meetings. The kids will work on projects or a homework assignment, and present them at the next, following general meetings. Each meeting we will focus on a new topic and the kids will be given an assignment to work on for the month. The Young Explorer’s Club is a great resource for learning for kids ages 4-17!

There may be scholarship opportunities available, and opportunities for entering the International Herpetological Symposium (IHS) Junior and NextGen awards every year. For Young Explorer’s program meeting topics, dates, and times, be sure to check our monthly meetings section of our website! Also ask about youth and family memberships!

To learn more, reach out to our Young Explorer’s Coordinator!