Mission Statement
The Wisconsin Herpetological Association educates enthusiasts and the general public about frequently misunderstood reptiles and amphibians. It is a great source for people to exchange knowledge, from amateur hobbyist to experts. It also gives a community a basis for expertise on issues dealing with local laws, ordinances, and conservation.
We hold monthly Young Explorers and General Meetings. Each Young Explorers meeting covers a different topic aimed at educating kids. The general meetings consist of a raffle, guest speaker, and finally a review of current events. We have had world class breeders talk about species they work with, veterinarians speak about common illnesses, and hobbyists show how to build custom planted vivariums.
Outings & Member Events
Each year we take a spring and a fall field herping outing. We hike known places in Wisconsin where we can find wild species of reptiles and amphibians. We also will do outings to breeder’s facilities, behind the scenes at zoos and museums, and tours of local universities. At the end of the year we hold a potluck to celebrate the holidays and celebrate another year of growth!
As a group of educated reptile enthusiasts and a community of keepers, it is important for us to stay aware of the laws and ordinances made in our cities and towns. We will help to educate city boards and influence the decisions and laws made on keeping these animals.
Lastly, Education is one of the most important things we do. As an organization our goal is to educate. Our meetings and speakers all come to speak on proper care for these animals. We also hold presentations for schools and local organizations. It is important to keeping our hobby alive and safe to educate current and future reptile keepers.
For more information on any subject, browse the website or attend a meeting. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you as part of our community!