Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Reptile or Amphibian? Do You Know the Differences?

Reptiles and amphibians, which are oftentimes collectively known as “herptiles”, or “herps” for short, are among the most unique, adaptable, and diverse groups of animals, having many different lifestyles and characteristics not seen in any other group of animals. But what are the similarities and differences?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

What’s the Scoop on Reptile Poop?

As with all animals, reptiles and amphibians (which are collectively known as herps, or herptiles) urinate and defecate, just as humans need to, as wells our dogs, cats, and other animals. What can your reptile’s poop tell you!?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Genetics De-Mystified

Currently, in the world of herpetoculture, there are an ever-increasing number of color and/or pattern abnormalities (often referred to as "morphs") being produced in snakes. For example, there are presently over 100 such abnormalities in the Corn snake (Pantherophis g. guttata). But how is this done?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Herptiles in Movies and Film

Reptiles, amphibians, and even in many cases arachnids and other invertebrates have long been widely shown and featured in numerous different forms of TV, movies, films, books, and other media and popular culture.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

How to Find an Escaped Snake (or Other Reptile)

One very commonly asked question or request for advice among pet owners and keepers with reptiles that is asked both online and in person is what to do or where to look for an escaped pet snake.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

City-Slicking Snakes? Road Loving Toads? Reptiles and Amphibians in Suburbia!

Increased urbanization, which may otherwise be known and defined as the conversion of natural ecosystems and landscapes into increasingly man-made, impervious surfaces (such as buildings, roadways, and pavement coverings), as well as into increasingly developed areas for human use, consumption, and/or habitation has been an increasingly prevalent factor contributing to many various conservation concerns, both directly and indirectly.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Emergency Preparedness for Herps

Disaster or emergency preparedness is an issue in which many pet owners and hobbyists of both reptiles and amphibians (collectively known as “herps” or herptiles) as well as other species of animals oftentimes do not expect, think about, or are prepared for.

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