Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

What to Do with Your New Reptile (or Amphibian)

Purchasing, adopting, or acquiring a new animal, whether it be a reptile, amphibian, or invertebrate is always a new and exciting experience, as we all hope and look forward to the new challenges and responsibilities surrounding that animal.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Acariasis! Dealing with the Dreaded Snake Mites!

Perhaps one of the worst things any pet owner or herp (reptile and amphibian) hobbyist, breeder, or enthusiast can experience is discovering that their newly acquired animal, or collection of animals, has snake mites.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Tutorial-What to Do When Your Snake (or Other Reptile) Has a Bad Shed

Unlike these other groups of animals, however, reptiles undergo and exhibit “indeterminate growth”, meaning that these animals never fully stop growing throughout their lives, and their frequency of shedding of their skins is more often than not determined by the animal’s age or life stage, overall food and resource availability, and other environmental conditions.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Reptiles and Salmonella: An Overview of What You Need to Know!

Salmonella is a genus of primarily rod shaped bacteria found worldwide, with two species being known, Salmonella enterica and Salmonella bongori, which is by far the more commonly seen species in the digestive tracts, as well as on or in the skin, scales, food, and water of captive reptiles and amphibians, as well as other animals.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

What’s Inside Your Snake!? A Look Inside Snake Anatomy!

But what if we dug a little deeper into our beloved snakes, beneath their skin and scales, to examine their actual internal anatomy and structure? What organs and organ systems do they have, or not? How are they similar and different from our own, or mammals in general? What purposes and functions do they serve?

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