Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Are You Ready For a Reptile Show? Some Etiquette and Tips!

Reptile shows and expos can be great, interactive ways for being able to meet with, socialize, and hang out with other reptile enthusiasts and breeders of all levels of knowledge, experience, and background, and are often also great ways of being able to find animals which are rarely seen, or are at least not commonly available through other means.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Tutorial: How to Remove a Snake from Garden Netting

Garden netting is a popular and widely used method of landscaping used in gardens and backyards, to ponds, erosion control, and other residential, agricultural, and outdoor management activities. Unfortunately, however, snakes, as well as sometimes other reptiles and wildlife, can oftentimes become trapped or entangled in these forms of netting,

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Rattlesnakes in Wisconsin: A Historical and Conservation Perspective

The sound of a rattlesnake sounding off its rattle is perhaps one of the most unmistakable sounds in nature, and very often is also one which elicits an especially strong fear response from many people as an instant warning of impending danger. But why then have these snakes become long popular in the United States?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

The Top “Weirdest” Pet Amphibians and Reptiles!

Reptiles and amphibians make for unique and interesting pets as it is. But what about species that are truly bizarre and alien-like? While doing your research into any species is of course important, here is our compilation of the most unique and bizarre pet reptile and amphibian species!

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Amazing Alternative Aquatic Turtles to Keep as Pets!

Aquatic turtles can make for great pets for the right people, but require a lot of space, maintenance, and specialized care, and many get large. What are some good smaller aquatic turtle alternatives which might make for even better pets?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Living With Wild Snakes and Other Reptiles and Amphibians

If however, safety and/or preferences to not have these animals around is still a concern, there are ways of humanely deterring snakes and other herps (or herptiles) from your yard or property. These are several key aspects in doing so

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

The Role of Educators and Pets in the Classroom

Furthermore, keeping pets in the classroom can often instill a greater sense of pride, cohesion, and inclusivity, particularly in situations where students or teachers do not, or cannot own pets of their own at home.

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