Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Tutorial: How to Wire and Set Up Flexwatt Heat Tape!

For those who are unfamiliar with it, Flexwatt heat tape is a widely utilized and economical under tank heating element (UTH). It is most commonly utilized as a form of heating for rack systems, and to a lesser extent any of the high impact plastic, injection molded, or fiberglass cages.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Field Herping Beginner’s Guide!

Field herping is when you strap on your boots and go out hiking into the outdoors in an attempt to find native species of reptiles and amphibians in their native ranges and habitat. These animals are photographed and each individual has a long list of animals they want to find and take pictures of. This is often known as one’s life list. The excitement comes when you roll over that rock or log and there is that animal, the one you’ve been looking for all year!

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

How to Choose the Best Lighting and Heating For Your Reptile or Amphibian

Perhaps one of the most essential components for all living plants and animals, and not just amphibians and reptiles, to be able to survive and thrive is lighting and heating. This holds true for all animals, whether they are living their lives out in the wild within their native, natural ranges, or whether they are being kept as pets, or for other reasons in captivity.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Captive Crocodilian Suggested Best Management Practices (BMPs)

The order of reptiles known as Crocodilia, which currently include 23 living, or extant species, consist of the crocodiles, alligators, caimen, and gharials, or gavials, are also commonly referred to as “crocodilians”, collectively. Medium sized, to large, solidly built animals, crocodilians have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years ever since our modern order of these highly successful animals first appeared approximately 90 million years ago, with their earlier ancestors dating back even further, with some members first appearing 250-some million years ago during the early Triassic period!

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