Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

How Do Snakes and Other Reptiles Shed Their Skin!?

One question which is frequently asked, is just how exactly do snakes, and other reptiles, shed their skin? What causes them to do so? What is actually happening, physiologically underneath, when a reptile sheds their skin? And how are they similar (and different) from us, in these regards? Find our more in this educational article!

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

Reptile and Amphibian Intelligence: How Smart Are They?

Perhaps one of the most commonly asked questions that arises when it comes to reptiles and amphibians, collectively referred to as herptiles, whether in the wild, in captivity, or both, is there a measure of these animal’s levels of intelligence and cognitive abilities? Do they like to be petted and/or handled? Are they able to recognize their owners/keepers or other certain individuals?

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

So You Want to Become a Herpetologist?

One very commonly asked question posed to a variety of informational sources or in person is that of becoming a herpetologist. There is very little doubt that reptiles and amphibians, also collectively known as “herptiles” or “herps” for short, have gained an increased amount of interest and admiration amongst the public.

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Dennis Roscoe Dennis Roscoe

“Apartment-Sized” Boas and Pythons!

Boas and pythons are all giant, monster snakes! But what if we told you that this is not in fact true, and does not have to be that way if one is looking for a boa or python species as a pets?

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